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IT News - Page 24

The latest on our IT experience
Business Technology | June 12, 2014

Here’s what attracts cyber attackers: easy targets. This means that you can leave your small business open to a cyber attack if you don’t defend your company’s Wi-Fi systems with...

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Business Technology | June 10, 2014

Think you can’t use your tablet to share screens with your co-workers? Think again. There are plenty of apps available right now that allow you to share your reports, images,...

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Business Technology | June 5, 2014

Vacation isn’t always fun and games. Sometimes you need to work. But if you’re stuck at a hotel or resort with a slow Internet connection, this can prove difficult. Fortunately,...

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Business Technology | June 3, 2014

Typing on your laptop while you’re flying all over the country isn’t much fun. But sometimes it can’t be avoided. What can be avoided is the back pain that you...

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Business Technology | May 29, 2014

Are you part of the cult of Evernote? Do you use the well known organizing app to plan meetings, save your favorite Web pages and track of your wedding anniversary...

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Business Technology | May 27, 2014

What to Make of Facebook Graph Search? The latest in a never-ending stream of Facebook rollouts is now with us, and it’s called Facebook Graph Search. It is Facebook’s newest...

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Business Technology | May 22, 2014

Anyone Know the Right Way to Use #Hashtags? Know what a #Hashtag is? If you’re not a social media maven, and especially Twitter, you might not have a clue what...

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Business Technology | May 20, 2014

Your phone is quiet. Customers aren’t sending you e-mail messages. Worst of all, no one’s spending money at your shop. Your often worry that you’ll soon be out of business....

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Business Technology | May 15, 2014

How many Facebook messages from co-workers, retired bosses and friends have you missed over time? The quantity could be more than you thought, thanks to Facebook’s mysterious “Other” folder. Uncovering...

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Business Technology | May 13, 2014

How long do you spend looking at computer screens at work? You probably don’t wish to know. Your eyes are undoubtedly suffering from it. The everon blog recently covered the...

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