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Maintaining IT Harmony.

IT News - Page 50

The latest on our IT experience
Business Technology | September 16, 2011

In the past few years, our options for accessing entertainment have grown drastically. This increased access has changed the way these industries function. Brick and mortar stores like Blockbuster, Borders,...

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Business Technology | September 14, 2011

We all know about good habits to form in the workplace, such as paying close attention to detail or keeping your workspace tidy. We don’t often hear about the bad...

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Business Technology | September 9, 2011

Technology is consistently changing our lives. It happens so rapidly and seamlessly that we hardly notice.   It wasn’t long ago that stores used a manual machine to make a carbon...

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Business Technology | September 7, 2011

Writing an email is a form of communication eliminated of several external influences like voice inflection and body language. This makes choosing the right words even more important. You wouldn’t...

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Business Technology | September 2, 2011

Usually lawsuits are very serious news and not to be laughed at. The tech industry has had its fair share of these more serious suits. However, we sometimes read about...

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Business Technology | August 31, 2011

Smartphones, tablets and laptops are traditionally considered connected devices, because each device connects to and interacts with the Internet. However, HDTVs, Blu-ray players and gaming consoles are also connected devices,...

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Business Technology | August 26, 2011

As a species we are connected. Our access to information is increasing exponentially. Many authorities and governments around the world have fears about what this access can mean for the...

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Business Technology | August 24, 2011

Google is the newest heavy hitter in the social media world. One of the most notable differences between Google and other standard social media sites like Facebook or Twitter is...

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Business Technology | August 19, 2011

It seems like as soon as you buy a new piece of technology, a faster and better version comes out. Technologies that were ground breaking last week are old news...

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Business Technology | August 16, 2011

Every email account is vulnerable to the nefarious plots of hackers. Though there are several steps you can take to protect and secure your private information, there will always be...

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