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Maintaining IT Harmony.

IT News - Page 39

The latest on our IT experience
Business Technology | October 31, 2012

Have you ever heard about ransomware? It is a especially frightening new form of malware. A recent story published by Slate goes into the details of how it attacks your computer

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Business Technology | October 26, 2012

We all need to use a word processor every now and then. Typically the one we turn to is Microsoft Word

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Business Technology | October 24, 2012

Are you still using Windows 7?

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Business Technology | October 19, 2012

Apple’s Safari, the default web browser on all iPads and iPhones, is a powerful piece of software.

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Business Technology | October 17, 2012

When you are traveling for business, it can be difficult to be as productive as you are in the office. The Internet connection at the hotel can be unreliable, and it can be challenging to stay on top of your email when you are in business meetings or traveling from one location to another. Luckily, there are several tech tools that can help tremendously while you are away from the office

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Business Technology | October 12, 2012

Are you allowed to access your computer network at work with your personal iPad? What about your personal iPhone or your laptop computer

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Business Technology | October 10, 2012

When you think of cloud computing what do you think of?

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Business Technology | October 5, 2012

Smartphones do a lot for us. We use them to find the way to places, keep up with our mail and our social media, and they even amuse us.

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Business Technology | October 3, 2012

Evernote is a commonly used application where you can store notes, photos, web pages, and videos into virtual notebooks. Among the best things about Evernote is that you can easily search within it.

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Business Technology | September 28, 2012

1. Get comfortable with the Track Changes feature Tools > Track Changes Track Changes is excellent if you routinely proofread documents for your co-works. It clearly marks where you have made any edits and changes, then the author can accept or reject the adjustments you’ve made.

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