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IT News - Page 33

The latest on our IT experience
Business Technology | June 26, 2013

How safe do you think your data is when you store them in an Evernote notebook? The surprising answer: Not quite as safe as you might think. That’s because Evernote isn’t a true backup service.

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Business Technology | June 20, 2013

You know that the updates that Windows automatically downloads are necessary. They often contain important anti-virus protections created to keep cybercriminals out of your computer and software. But it can be annoying when Windows automatically restarts your machine after every update

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Business Technology | June 19, 2013

Bitcoins are getting to be a popular way for individuals to purchase goods and services online. The question, though, is if your business should accept this virtual currency

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Business Technology | June 13, 2013

Planning a getaway? Going to bring your laptop, smartphone or tablet with you

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Business Technology | June 7, 2013

Quick: Name the most effective desktop operating system currently available. Did you say Windows 8

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Business Technology | June 4, 2013

Here’s an interesting fact: In 2012, companies with just one to 250 employees — what most people typically think of as small businesses — ended up being the victims in more than 30 percent of all cyber attacks.

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Business Technology | June 4, 2013

Another embarrassment for Microsoft? Seems like it. After the critical drubbing the company has taken for Windows 8, a PC services company has now ranked the 13-inch MacBook Pro as the laptop that does the best job running Windows software.

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Business Technology | May 28, 2013

It is said that everyone is a critic. You can observe this firsthand at the Quora knowledge-sharing Web site.

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Business Technology | May 23, 2013

It’s a mistake too many of us make. We get lazy, and we depend upon just one single password to access several different Web sites. This, though, is a unsafe strategy

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Business Technology | May 22, 2013

Do you practice bad tech habits? You may think you don’t. But you do you re-use passwords, neglect to back up files or regularly leave your tablet alone and in plain sight?

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