Bad press notwithstanding, Windows still top OS
Business Technology | June 7, 2013
Quick: Name the most effective desktop operating system currently available. Did you say Windows 8? If not, PC World writer Brad Chacos would like to debate you. He recently wrote that Windows 8, regardless of its well-publicized problems, ranks as the best desktop OS today. This goes against the trend, of course, with a long line of critics slamming Windows 8 regularly in the tech press. Is Chacos right? Is Windows 8 unfairly criticized? Examine several positive Windows 8 features that Chacos highlights.
The Offerings
Windows 8 blows away any other operating system when it comes to the programs and software that it offers, Chacos writes. No other desktop operating system can come close to the variety of programs that Windows 8 gives its users. Rare is a user who will ever use all of these programs. Searching for something? If you have Windows 8, the chances are good that it’s already provided by your Windows 8 operating system.
Syncing Matters
As Chacos writes, Apple’s iCloud receives a lot of adoration. But Window 8′s syncing capabilities are actually better. According to PC World, you need only an online Microsoft account to sync a host of items to any Windows 8 computer. This consists of files, photos, videos, browser settings, desktop preferences and app settings. Chacos writes that no other operating system has syncing capabilities that can even hope to rival what Windows 8 offers.
Internet Explorer
It may seem odd to include Internet Explorer in a group of positives about Windows 8. But the browser has in fact improved hugely in response to Firefox’s popularity. Chacos writes that today Internet Explorer ranks as the top browser natively available on a desktop operating system. And Internet Explorer actually ranks among the most secure browsers available according to Symantec.
Quick: Name the most effective desktop operating system currently available. Did you say Windows 8? If not, PC World writer Brad Chacos would like to debate you. He recently wrote that Windows 8, regardless of its well-publicized problems, ranks as the best desktop OS today. This goes against the trend, of course, with a long line of critics slamming Windows 8 regularly in the tech press. Is Chacos right? Is Windows 8 unfairly criticized? Examine several positive Windows 8 features that Chacos highlights.
The Offerings
Windows 8 blows away any other operating system when it comes to the programs and software that it offers, Chacos writes. No other desktop operating system can come close to the variety of programs that Windows 8 gives its users. Rare is a user who will ever use all of these programs. Searching for something? If you have Windows 8, the chances are good that it’s already provided by your Windows 8 operating system.
Syncing Matters
As Chacos writes, Apple’s iCloud receives a lot of adoration. But Window 8′s syncing capabilities are actually better. According to PC World, you need only an online Microsoft account to sync a host of items to any Windows 8 computer. This consists of files, photos, videos, browser settings, desktop preferences and app settings. Chacos writes that no other operating system has syncing capabilities that can even hope to rival what Windows 8 offers.
Internet Explorer
It may seem odd to include Internet Explorer in a group of positives about Windows 8. But the browser has in fact improved hugely in response to Firefox’s popularity. Chacos writes that today Internet Explorer ranks as the top browser natively available on a desktop operating system. And Internet Explorer actually ranks among the most secure browsers available according to Symantec.