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Maintaining IT Harmony.

IT News - Page 54

The latest on our IT experience
Business Technology | April 8, 2011

Employee motivation can often be difficult to maintain, especially when you’re running a small business with limited funds. Incentives are really critical when it comes to inspiring your employees, however,...

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Business Technology | April 6, 2011

Smartpens are the new major trend that has the business world excited. They’re still pretty young, but their capabilities are already vast and they’re still growing. Smartpens essentially track what...

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Business Technology | April 1, 2011

Everybody has been talking today about the new feature to be unveiled by Google. It is called Gmail Motion and it allows users to perform standard email commands with simple...

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Business Technology | March 30, 2011

Making sure all of your belongings are safe at all times is a tall order. Thankfully, there are some tools that make it much easier. Portable security devices can be...

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Business Technology | March 25, 2011

Managing your email inbox can be quite stressful. The emails are arriving faster than you can read them, and it seems like there’s never enough time in the day to...

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Business Technology | March 23, 2011

Wired or wireless mice? This is a debate that’s been going on for years now, and there is still no definitive winner. The truth is, there are advantages to each...

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Business Technology | March 18, 2011

Google Docs is a pretty popular tool. Many people utilize it on a regular basis – often in a professional setting. Google has made some recent changes to Google Docs,...

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Business Technology | March 16, 2011

Every year the South by Southwest Conference (SXSW) takes over Austin with its many festivals and presentations. It connects some of the greatest thinkers from music, movies, and new media....

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Business Technology | March 11, 2011

Flash storage is something that is prevalent in many of our daily lives, whether we are aware of it or not. Plenty of the tools we use on a daily...

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Business Technology | March 9, 2011

We utilize search engines to help us answer practically any question we may have. If these search engines are showing us the most relevant results, why do those results vary...

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