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Smartpens can help cause you to be more efficient – here’s how

Business Technology | April 6, 2011

Smartpens are the new major trend that has the business world excited. They’re still pretty young, but their capabilities are already vast and they’re still growing.

Smartpens essentially track what you’re writing and transfer those notes onto your computer. Each smartpen has different abilities, however, some of which are more useful than others.

IOGEAR Mobile Digital Scribe

This smartpen was the first to emerge onto the market. Although it doesn’t have some of the bells and whistles that you may find in some of the newer pens, it can perform all the basic functions.

It does, however, do plenty of interesting things that make it a fantastic business tool. The Mobile Digital Scribe captures and stores all of your notes for later review. It doesn’t require you to write on a certain surface – a simple piece of paper will do. Also, if you link the smartpen to your computer, it can display your notes on the screen as you write them.

Logitech IO2 Digital Pen

The Logitech smartpen has a number of the basic functions that you may find in the Mobile Digital Scribe. It transcribes your notes and can save them in a variety of different file types.

After you save them, you may browse the files for words and phrases in order to help you scan notes more easily. You can search by date, file type and file name. Unlike the Mobile Digital Scribe, you cannot use any surface to record your notes with this smartpen – you must use Post-It notes or Franklin Covey’s iScribe software.

Livescribe Echo

The Livescribe Echo is hands down the most innovative of all the smartpens. It allows you to not just record your handwritten notes, but audio as well. It then allows you to save those audio files in a variety of different formats.

The coolest feature that you’ll find on the Echo is the Pencast functionality. A Pencast allows you to play back the audio and synchronize it with your notes, making it much simpler to keep a detailed record of your thoughts without writing down everything. Apple has also built a free app that allows for easy sharing and replaying.

These pens are pretty great tools that can be ideal for just about anyone. They take a great deal of time out of transcription and make remembering specifics of a meeting or conversation much easier.

For a little more insight into the Livescribe Echo and its cool features check out this article.


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