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3 ways to better manage your email inbox

Business Technology | March 25, 2011

Managing your email inbox can be quite stressful. The emails are arriving faster than you can read them, and it seems like there’s never enough time in the day to make it through all of them. Fortunately, there are a number of tips that make it easier to keep your inbox neat – here are just a few of them:

  1. Set up folders

    Setting up folders, tags or labels in your inbox allows your email client to sort out emails automatically. You can typically set filters according to email address, so emails from your Aunt Hilda will go into their own folder and won’t clutter your inbox.

    With this feature, trivial emails are filtered out and don’t take up essential space in your inbox. It’s pretty easy to set this up and since this feature is available in most email clients and services, it is likely available to you.

  2. Enable conversation view

    Enabling conversation view or as some email clients call it, threaded view, is a very basic way to tidy up your inbox. You will no longer see dozens of emails associated with one topic. Instead, they will all be found under a single “email.” Email threads take up much less space in your inbox, making it seem more manageable.

    So now, when you archive or erase an email that has a conversation attached to it, all of those emails will be archived along with it. This keeps your email looking cleaner and makes your inbox less overwhelming.

  3. If it will take less than 5 minutes to address, deal with it right away 

    Any email that can be dealt with in less than five minutes probably isn’t worth putting off. These emails are typically easy to address and only create more stress when they’re put off. As you get familiar with this process, you’ll likely find these emails even easier to address.

These tips are only three of many that can help streamline your email inbox. They’re easy ways to manage your email and help make it less stressful, so why not try them out?

For additional tips on email management check out this article from Business Insider.


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