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IT News - Business Technology - Page 20

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Business Technology | September 9, 2013

There certainly are a lot of smartphones available today. Walk into an electronics store and the choices can seem overwhelming. But Jesus Diaz, a writer for the lifehacker Website, says...

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Business Technology | August 23, 2013

Has Microsoft made Windows 8 much better with its Windows 8.1 tweak?

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Business Technology | August 20, 2013

Tired of going back to work after a vacation to see an inbox packed with e-mail messages? You can prevent this.

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Business Technology | August 20, 2013

Should you spend $100 each year — what it costs to obtain a required subscription — so you can get Microsoft’s Office Mobile on your iPhone? The short answer

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Business Technology | August 7, 2013

Do you still grieve the loss of popular RSS reader Google Reader? You’re far from alone. Google’s reader was a winner among fans

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Business Technology | August 2, 2013

Do laptops and smartphones hijack your work meetings? Do employees spend time checking e-messages, tweeting their friends and scanning news headlines rather than listening to your plan to boost profits? Well, you’re not alone

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Business Technology | July 31, 2013

Most smart phone owners hate charging their devices. And why is that? You need to manage power cords that unavoidably get lose or wind up tangled in a jumble in your desk drawer.

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Business Technology | July 26, 2013

It’s a sinking feeling: You’re showing your new smartphone when it slips from your grip and falls to the concrete sidewalk below. This does not have to be the end of your new mobile device though, not if you’ve invested in one of the newest cases — which have science backing them — meant to protect smartphones from unforeseen falls. Science of protection According to the Times, there’s a new science developing around cushioning the blows that smartphones suffer when people drop them or inadvertently bang them against a wall.

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Business Technology | July 16, 2013

As the owner of a small business, you have the technology available to determine what Web sites your workers visit while sitting at their desks. You are able to monitor how they use Twitter and Facebook. It’s also possible to tap into their smart phones to determine where they physically are throughout the day.

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