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Maintaining IT Harmony.

IT News - Page 47

The latest on our IT experience
Business Technology | January 13, 2012

Disasters can happen to any business and they come in many forms and severities. They could be everything from a natural disaster, to a well-meaning employee accidently downloading a dangerous virus, to something crucial getting mistakenly deleted

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Business Technology | January 11, 2012

It wasn’t that long ago that inventor Dean Kamen thought his two-wheeled personal transportation device, the Segway, would transform transportation.  Unfortunately, the Segway has become synonymous with technology failure.  Kamen envisioned a future filled people zipping about on a Segway PT scooter to run errands and travel to work.

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Business Technology | January 6, 2012

Keeping track of your business’ projects in conjunction with multiple team members in different parts of the country can be challenging. How can a small company keep track of this, make requests from those working offsite, share up-to-date information, and documentation and also assign new tasks? Project management solutions Luckily, for small businesses, there are several project management solutions.  These tools can provide assistance to keep projects on track, and employees and clients connected.

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Business Technology | January 4, 2012

The promise of a paperless office has existed for years. Unfortunately, most offices must still use paper frequently. Is the paperless office just a pipe dream that we will never achieve?  In a nutshell, no

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Business Technology | January 1, 2012

We all know what an iPhone is capable of doing. We are able to use this handy device to connect to the Web and watch the latest movies and television shows.

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Business Technology | December 21, 2011

Touchscreens are becoming an integral part of our everyday life. When we interact with a device that has a touchscreen, we expect it to execute the action we want without a second thought

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Business Technology | December 16, 2011

Will digital currency one-day replace paper money? It may sound like something out of science fiction, but it may not be as far-fetched as it sounds. Consider that consumers already rely heavily today on credit cards and internet based services as Paypal to pay their bills.

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Business Technology | December 14, 2011

The 2011 Tokyo Motor Show brought us some interesting and imaginative eco-friendly concept cars.

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Business Technology | December 9, 2011

Android smartphones and Apple’s iPhones are very different. Android phones are highly customizable. You can change everything from your Android phone’s home screen to the way you download apps because Android is open source

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Business Technology | December 7, 2011

Phishing scams remain one of the most lucrative crimes for online cyber criminals. News reports of sensitive data from large corporations like Sony being compromised are increasing at a troubling rate. But contrary to popular belief, these phishing scams are just as hazardous for small business owners

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