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Maintaining IT Harmony.

IT News - Page 4

The latest on our IT experience
Cyber Security | April 18, 2023

We use passwords to log into our email, online banking, social media, and many other services, but not all passwords are created equal in terms of security. Hackers are always...

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Cyber Security | April 13, 2023

Phishing emails are cyberattacks designed to trick people into providing sensitive information such as login credentials, credit card numbers, and other personal data. These attacks are usually carried out by...

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Cyber Security | March 30, 2023

Email continues to be one of the largest cybersecurity threats for businesses of all sizes across various industries. Since cybercriminals are constantly finding new ways to exploit businesses through email,...

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Data Backup | March 7, 2023

Lost data can be catastrophic whether you own a small local business or run a large office for a corporation. This is especially true if you do not have a...

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Managed IT | February 23, 2023

While outsourced IT services are often associated with accounting firms, construction companies, and engineering firms, there are many other types of businesses that can benefit from these services. Of these...

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Managed IT | February 14, 2023

It can become difficult to track and manage the IT elements that support your business over time, especially as you continue to grow. While an in-house IT expert or team...

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Cyber Security | January 27, 2023

If you are trying to optimize cybersecurity for your business, it is crucial to be aware of the types of security available before you build your plan. As a leading...

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Announcements | January 26, 2023

As of January 2023, Next Hop Solutions is excited to announce that we have opened a new office providing all IT services, including on-site support in Kelowna, British Columbia. Location...

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Cloud Computing | January 12, 2023

IT solutions such as cloud storage and cloud computing have become more popular than ever due to the continued presence of hybrid and remote office configurations. Whether your business sells...

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Data Backup | December 23, 2022

Unexpected data loss or corruption can be disastrous for any type of business, putting a halt to operations or severely reducing productivity until a solution is found. Data loss is...

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