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IT News - Business Technology - Page 24

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Business Technology | March 13, 2013

Is the United States creating a more dangerous Web? That’s the theory depicted in a recent story by the MIT Technology Review. The story details the story of Stuxnet

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Business Technology | February 28, 2013

Is Web site Business Insider engaging in hyperbole when it declared the end of the era of the PC? Maybe. But there’s no doubt the boom days of the personal computer have ended

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Business Technology | February 27, 2013

Are you a user of Web-based e-mail like Gmail or Yahoo!? Or do you favor a desktop e-mail client like Postbox, Outlook or Sparrow?

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Business Technology | February 22, 2013

Would you buy a rice cooker with the Android operating system built into it? What about a dryer or refrigerator? Would you ever consider installing a microwave oven which was partially powered by Android

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Business Technology | February 20, 2013

There was a point in time when e-mail was considered cutting-edge tech. Before that, businesses were considered tech-savvy if they had their own fax machines

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Business Technology | February 15, 2013

As a small business owner, you need to ensure it is as easy as possible for your customers to pay for your offerings. Square, a credit-card processing service created for iPhones, iPads and Android-powered devices can help you fulfill this goal. But Square, created by Square, Inc., isn’t free.

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Business Technology | February 13, 2013

Small business owners are busy people. You’re hiring staffers, taming your business’ budget, developing new products and developing marketing campaigns

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Business Technology | February 8, 2013

Business owners prefer to believe that paper will become a thing of the past. After all, we send the majority of our correspondence through e-mail today, right? Then there’s texting and social media.

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Business Technology | February 6, 2013

Ever needed to access your PC or laptop while you were on the road? Ever needed that one special file from your pc while you were on the other side of the country from it? Using your iPad and a remote-access app, it is easy to access your desktop or laptop regardless of where it is or you are.

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Business Technology | February 1, 2013

You purchased the new Windows 8 operating system due to the fact system’s new touch-screen capabilities intrigued you. There’s just one problem: Your older computer is not a touch screen

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