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Your default photo-sharing site? Dropbox

Business Technology | September 9, 2014

Dropbox has a new goal: It wants to be your go-to site for distributing and keeping photos. And, as TechCrunch writer Matthew Panzarino states in a recent story, a new app gets Dropbox closer to that prize. Dropbox apps for the Mac now automatically find, upload and prepare links to the screenshots that you generate on your computer.

A subset of users

It’s true, as Panzarino writes, that this app will serve a bit of a niche group of users. Journalists, of course, take a lot of screenshots, so they would likely benefit. So will big Twitter users and app developers. But the size of the group benefitting from the app isn’t what’s significant. What is important is that the app helps Dropbox get closer to being the top site for storing and sharing photos.

A future of ease?

If this occurs, it could mean great convenience to users. If Dropbox gets its way, every single photo you shoot is going to be uploaded automatically from your smartphone, digital camera, tablets and other devices. That certainly makes it much simpler to share photos among friends and family members.


It’s challenging to predict the future, but it really does look bright for Dropbox. The cloud is huge among consumers today. And few products have taken advantage of that like Dropbox.


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