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Use Two-Factor Authentication To Protect Your Accounts

Business Technology | September 5, 2012

Many people are concerned nowadays about hackers. Slate.com ran a story recently discussing Matt Honan’s, a writer for Wired Magazine, experiences with being hacked. In August, Honan’s Apple account was hacked, and all of the data on his iPhone, iPad, and Macbook was wiped out. Additionally, the hacker deleted his Google account and hijacked his Twitter account, employing it to post racist and obscene comments. Something this story puts into sharp focus is the fact that everyone can get hacked.

Luckily, there are several steps people can take that can safeguard themselves against being hacked. One of these is Google’s two-factor authentication.

Two-factor authentication

You can use two-factor authentication to better protect your accounts from hackers. With two-factor authentication Google provides you with a code that you have to type in addition to your password. It can mean the difference between your accounts being safe or your accounts being exposed to hackers.

How it works

Two-factor authentication has been enabled for all Google accounts. You are able to download the app for your smartphone or mobile device. Then when you log into your account you’ll type both your password and the code that Google has given you.

Don’t own a smartphone? You may use the two-factor authentication system with your PC or Mac as well. Just log into your Google accounts and Google will text or call you to provide you with your personal code.

Not widely used

While this is a good way to protect your accounts, a small percentage of people are using it as it can be a bit of a hassle. People don’t want an extra step when logging into their personal accounts. But neither do hackers. So if you were forced to make the choice between being hacked or coping with an extra step, you will almost certainly choose to take that extra step to safeguard yourself.



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