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Top 5 Cyber Security Threats in 2019

Cyber Security | July 25, 2019

Understanding what the top 5 cyber security threats in 2019 are can help you better protect your business against potential problems. At Next Hop Solutions, we want to help you keep your business as safe as possible. That is why we offer a wide range of IT services for cyber security.

1. Ransomware

While there has been a decline in ransomware attacks compared to other types of cyber security threats, ransomware attacks are still a very real threat and are becoming increasingly more targeted. This means that hackers are now switching from favouring mass infections to exploiting more precise system flaws. In order to lower your chances of falling victim to a ransomware attack, it is important to use proactive data protection strategies.

2. Phishing Scams

Phishing scams that are designed to obtain sensitive information through electronic forms of communication, such as email, will account for the majority of data breaches in 2019. This is because criminals are finding it increasingly easy to obtain personal information through social media. While no operating system is 100% safe from phishing scams, promoting a security culture, deploying spam filters, and keeping all operating systems up to date can help protect your business.

3. Hacking

Anyone using a computer that is connected to the Internet is susceptible to being hacked. While most hackers tend to use other cyber security threats, such as phishing, to access your important information, it is important to note that hackers can also access your data directly if your business system is not protected by a firewall. In order to protect your business data from hackers, make sure to keep your software, security programs, and passwords all up to date.

4. Cryptojacking

Cyber criminals are beginning to shift towards installing crypto mining programs onto business systems in order to steal cryptocurrencies by leveraging the computers of unsuspecting users without their knowledge or permission. Cryptojacking can cause whole systems to falter, leading to sluggishness or complete system blackouts. Compared to ransomware, cryptojacking takes less time to set up, is more accessible for hackers to implement, provides a higher payout, and is harder to track.

5. IoT Security Breaches

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a group of intelligently connected systems, such as vehicles, smart phones, tablets, appliances, electronics, and software. Since these connected systems are primarily unregulated, the threat of IoT security breaches are becoming a genuine public safety concern. In order for these security issues to be addressed, a governmental issue may need to step in and formulate laws to better regulate IoT devices.

If you would like to learn more about the top 5 cyber security threats in 2019, or if you are interested in our cyber security services, please contact Next Hop Solutions at 1-855-482-5141 or by requesting a consultation on our website.


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