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The Effects of Constant Connectivity

Business Technology | April 11, 2012

Do you remember a time when you took your dog for a walk without texting, or watched a game with your friends without checking your email? It was called downtime and it was healthy for you. In this age of connectivity it appears as if that may be a thing of the past. Today having our devices with us at all times is not uncommon, but is it healthy?

It’s hard to deny that life is becoming easier as a result of connectivity. We don’t have to worry about becoming lost as our smartphones can guide us. We can easily stay on top of emails, social media communications, and even Google data no matter where we are.

But have you ever noticed how rarely we are alone with just our thoughts these days? Some social commentators have wondered if this increase in communication will negatively impact the philosophical side of our species. With no time and space to sit and ponder will we cease to do so?

That is not a question we’ll examine here, but it’s something to think about. A more pressing question is, what is being constantly plugged in doing to our health?

Always being connected takes its toll, whether it’s for work or for play. The human body needs time to rest, and not just when it’s asleep. If you find that you struggle with being away from your phone, or have anxiety about not checking your mail, it could be time to shut off your devices.

While being connected helps develop relationships online it can harm ones offline. When you’re out withyour friends and family members it may be sound practice to unplug. It’s just too easy to text and check your email, forgetting to give the ones around you the attention they deserve.

If you find that you are rarely without an electronic gizmo in your hand, consider unplugging, at least for a short while. You might find that working less makes you more productive and much less stressed.


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