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Signs that it is Time to Upgrade Your IT Systems

Managed IT | January 13, 2022
upgrade software

IT systems are a foundational element for any business regardless of their size, location, or the products and services they offer. The status and health of your IT systems will have a direct impact on your daily operations, data security, and bottom line. That is why it is crucial to regularly review various elements of your system to determine if they need an upgrade or replacement. As leading providers of data solutions and managed IT services, the team at Next Hop Solutions knows how important it is to have a well-maintained and modern IT system. That is why our team has compiled a list of common signs that it is time to upgrade your IT systems to help you keep your business running smoothly.

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3 Signs Your IT Systems Need an Upgrade

Each of the following signs are key indicators that it is time to upgrade your IT systems:

1. The Scale of Your Operation Has Grown

As your company starts to sell more products or services, you will likely focus on growing your team and finding a space to accommodate your growing operation. While growth is important for all businesses, it is crucial to ensure that you are growing and updating your IT systems alongside every other element. In addition to scale, a change in company direction or goals can prompt a change in your IT systems to ensure that you can meet these new targets.

2. Increased Downtime and Reduced Productivity

If your systems or devices are taking too long to respond or are constantly crashing, it is likely time to upgrade them. Constant crashing and slow operating speeds are often signs that your devices have become faulty, or your software is no longer suitable for the scale of your operation. Continuing to use this outdated IT system can reduce employee productivity, increase frustration, and lead to more downtime, severely impacting your bottom line.

3. Security Breaches or Data Loss

When it comes to online data, there are many new threats introduced by cyber criminals every day. Failure to keep your IT systems updated can drastically increase your risk of a security breach, various viruses, or lost data, all of which can be especially devastating if you handle sensitive information. If you are starting to experience any of these threats, it is likely time to upgrade your software, devices, and other elements of your IT systems. After upgrading your systems, it is also worth training your team in safe operating practices to further increase security as the best systems in the world can still be vulnerable to human error.

For assistance choosing the perfect services and devices for your IT system, get in touch with the team at Next Hop Solutions. We can be reached through our online contact form or by phone at 1-855-482-5141 and will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding our services.


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