Nanotechnology and Us
Business Technology | March 23, 2012
You have probably heard of nanotechnology, but perhaps have almost no idea as to what it’s about and how it applies to you. Nanotechnology makes life easier for all of us; it’s not just the stuff of science fiction. In essence, nanotechnology is the science of dealing with matter on an atomic scale.
The practical side of nanotechnology
To give you an example of how nanotechnology can effect your lifestyle here is an article that Science Daily ran last month. The article states that scientists are creating a way to use nanotechnology to reduce the amount of friction in car engines and machines. This technology could make machines operate more effectively; extending their lives. According to the article, tiny polymer particles were created and distributed in oils used in automobile engines. They were then tested in conditions similar to car engines and found to reduce friction significantly.
More efficient motors
The story noted that even when these particles were dispersed at a low concentration, they boasted more potent friction-reducing abilities than the friction reducing additives used by lots of industries today. The scientists learned that these particles, measuring just nanometers in size, made it possible to reduce friction by 55 percent more than additives presently can. We can expect more discoveries similar to this down the road. The field of nanotechnology is growing. It’s growing so quickly, in fact, that the United States recently launched a national strategy for making sure that environmental, health, and safety research needs are determined and addressed in the field.
The emerging world of nanotechnology
If you think, then, that nanotechnology is only good for Hollywood special effects blockbusters; simply take a close look at your car’s engine. One day, nanotechnology may leave you with an engine that consumes less gas. That, obviously, can give you a fatter wallet, and you’ll be able to thank nanotechnology for this.
You have probably heard of nanotechnology, but perhaps have almost no idea as to what it’s about and how it applies to you. Nanotechnology makes life easier for all of us; it’s not just the stuff of science fiction. In essence, nanotechnology is the science of dealing with matter on an atomic scale.
The practical side of nanotechnology
To give you an example of how nanotechnology can effect your lifestyle here is an article that Science Daily ran last month. The article states that scientists are creating a way to use nanotechnology to reduce the amount of friction in car engines and machines. This technology could make machines operate more effectively; extending their lives. According to the article, tiny polymer particles were created and distributed in oils used in automobile engines. They were then tested in conditions similar to car engines and found to reduce friction significantly.
More efficient motors
The story noted that even when these particles were dispersed at a low concentration, they boasted more potent friction-reducing abilities than the friction reducing additives used by lots of industries today. The scientists learned that these particles, measuring just nanometers in size, made it possible to reduce friction by 55 percent more than additives presently can. We can expect more discoveries similar to this down the road. The field of nanotechnology is growing. It’s growing so quickly, in fact, that the United States recently launched a national strategy for making sure that environmental, health, and safety research needs are determined and addressed in the field.
The emerging world of nanotechnology
If you think, then, that nanotechnology is only good for Hollywood special effects blockbusters; simply take a close look at your car’s engine. One day, nanotechnology may leave you with an engine that consumes less gas. That, obviously, can give you a fatter wallet, and you’ll be able to thank nanotechnology for this.