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iPad apps designed to ease the stress of writing for a living

Business Technology | January 23, 2013

Are you a expert writer, a person who pays the mortgage each month because of stories you turn in to newspapers, magazines and Web sites? Maybe you’re a fiction writer who’s published in journals, literary magazines and consumer publications throughout the world. If that’s the case, you are a serious writer. And if you also happen to own an iPad, we’ve got some good news for you: There are lots of amazing apps out there specifically for iPad owners that are also freelance writers. Here is a look at some of the best.

Paper by FiftyThree

This app is perfect for writers in the beginning stages of the creative process. With it, you are able to capture your ideas as sketches, diagrams, notes or drawings.

iA Writer

This app, from Information Architects, doesn’t come with a lot of glitz. A text editor and creator, iA Writer doesn’t let you change fonts or colors. The goal? Cut out the distractions and force you to write.

Google Drive

Need to store your video, music, photo and text files in one place? Try Google Drive. This app, developed by Google, provides you with 5GB of storage for free.


You’ve probably heard of Evernote. That’s because the application is one of the most beloved note-taking apps designed for iPad users. You can use Evernote to take notes, capture photos, create to-do list and even record voice reminders. You can then store these notes and search them.


Few organization programs are as useful to writers as is iThoughtsHD. You can use this program to organize your ideas as task list, project-planning document or brainstorming session. You may also use the program to create meeting notes.


Another useful app developed by Evernote, Penultimate enables you to handwrite notes directly to your iPad. You can utilize the app to take notes, draw sketches and jot down those incredible ideas you don’t want to forget when you leave your desk.


Struggle to read PDF documents on your iPad? GoodReader will help. This app, created by the tech pros at Good.iWare, simply ranks as the most powerful PDF reader for the iPad.

Index Card

DenVog’s Index Card mimics that corkboard you keep hanging in your office. Also, it makes it easy to arrange and list your most important ideas. Writers can jot down ideas, plot outlines, assignment deadlines and all other important information on virtual post-it notes they can then stick to their Index Card-generated corkboard.


Notably is a powerful note-taking app for the iPad. But what genuinely sets it apart is the way it works with favorite cloud storage app Dropbox. Every time you add a note, plot summary or assignment deadline to Notably, your changes will automatically sync with Dropbox.


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