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How Tablets and the Cloud Support Creativity

Business Technology | October 14, 2011

The cloud has become advantageous for many businesses. Due to the massive amounts of information that can be stored in the cloud and the prevalence of tablets in our lives, creative businesses have greatly benefitted. The cloud gives people in creative industries an edge they didn’t previously have. It may not be obvious how creative businesses have improved due to the cloud, so here are just a few ways they’ve changed.

The size of someone’s portfolio used to be limited to what they could physically carry.   Due to this size limitation, there were limitations to the content as well. Now, thanks to the cloud, they can create separate files tailored to each client’s needs, which they can quickly access from a tablet. This mobility can lead to more business more quickly.

Creative Collaboration
In the past, collaborating with people in different time zones was very difficult. It required sending huge files through email, working on them independently then sending them back. This created multiple versions and duplicate copies, which was confusing. The cloud permits people to work on the same file simultaneously. This speeds up the collaborative process and keep everyone on the same page, so to speak.

Brainstorming and mind mapping are other things the cloud has improved as numerous people can input their ideas into one file. People can access these mind maps on tablets, get input from local collogues, and update the shared file that everyone can see. This kind of connectedness breaks down the distance barrier, which used to be such a limitation in business.

With the expansiveness of the cloud and the mobility of the tablet, there are almost no limitations to where creativity can happen.


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