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Cloud Computing Risks and How to Manage Them

Cloud Computing | November 7, 2019
cloud security

Getting to know some of the different cloud computing risks and how to manage them will help ensure that you are keeping your business information as safe as possible. At Next Hop Solutions, we understand how important it is to select the right cloud service provider. That is why we offer a selection of cloud computing services that can be tailored to meet your business needs.

1. Cloud Computing Security

Since security is the number one barrier for businesses that are looking to integrate to the cloud, it is important that both the cloud user and the cloud vendor take precautions to ensure the overall security of the cloud. Make sure to check the agreement that you have with your vendor to find out exactly what the vendor will provide in terms of cloud security and what is expected from you.

One of the easiest ways to ensure that the cloud is being used properly is to train employees on how to safely use the cloud before it is officially implemented into the business’ infrastructure. In addition to ensuring the safe use of employees on the cloud, a cloud vendor will also need to provide appropriate security capabilities, such as data encryption and identification policies, to keep the cloud as secure as possible.

2. Compatibility Issues

Migrating data to the cloud can become a daunting process if the cloud environment is not capable of handling the right data types. While cloud environments are becoming more open to supporting a range of different data types, it is important to note that there are still some restrictions for each cloud deployment that effect what they are able to work with.

Before hiring a cloud provider, it is always a good idea to find out whether or not the data and file types that you are looking to store are compatible with the cloud environment to ensure that your data will be properly supported.

3. Maintaining Privacy

One of the biggest concerns that businesses have with cloud computing is preventing users who do not have the right authorization from accessing important business information. While this might be easy enough to do with onsite hardware, storing your data on the cloud means relying on a third party to manage the servers your data is stored on. When selecting a cloud provider, make sure to find out what policies they have in place to maintain the privacy of your data.

If you would like to learn more cloud computing risks and how to manage them, or if you are interested in one of our managed IT services, please contact the IT experts from Next Hop Solutions at 1-855-482-5141 or by requesting a consultation on our website.


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